Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Calling all the “Mo Bros” of the Castlefrank E.S. community!

On November 1st we will be kicking off Castlefrank’s first-ever Movember campaign to show our support for men’s health!


We are reaching out to the dads, step-dads, uncles, grandfathers, older brothers and other important men in our Castelfrank community to participate in our Movember Moustache Mania contest!!!


To participate, send a photo of your clean-shaven face to or show up at the school between 1:15 and 2:00pm on Friday November 1 to have your picture taken. Your ‘mo-less mug will then be posted on the main entrance bulletin board with your first name and child’s name and grade to show how you are supporting this great cause. Our very own Mr. Henry and Mr. Phil will be representing the Castlefrank family J


Every Friday in November – November 8, 15, 23 and 30 – we will ask for an updated photo to show your mo’s progress. On the final day of November, a panel of judges (students, teachers and parents) will decide on the winning ‘stache! The winner will receive a special prize for participating in the contest as well as the glory that comes with the title of the first ever winner of Castlefrank’s Movember campaign!


If you ‘moustache’ a question, please email Mme Taggart at or call the school at 613-592-8071. Once all participants have been confirmed, Mme Taggart will be in touch throughout the month to provide updates on the event and photo reminders.


When sending in your photo, please include your full name, the date the photo was taken, the name of your son or daughter and his/her teacher.


Thank you for supporting Castlefrank as we launch this exciting event to show our support for men’s health issues.


To learn more about the Movember initiative, check out!


Good luck to all our participants!


The Castlefrank Movember team

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