Thursday, April 24, 2014


Dear Parents,


In Social Studies, we are studying the features of communities around the world. An important part of this unit will be for students to learn how to use a variety of resources and tools to gather, process and communicate information about different countries. To this end, students will create a country in a bag, IN FRENCH, outlining information about a country of their choice. I am asking for the completed project to be at school by Friday, May 16th. You can help by providing opportunities for research but please let the final product be your child’s own work.


At home your child will research a country and find props that he/she will use to explain to the class. (ie. Puppets, pictures, symbols, drawings, etc (5 items). All items are to be placed in the bag and removed one at a time to explain to the class.


Materials required for your presentation will be:


                      Bag - cloth, plastic or paper

                      Homemade props appropriate for your specific topic


Below is a list of ideas of things that may be placed in the bag. 


Name of country (on the bag)


On a map of the world:

·         Colour and write the name of the continent where you find this country

·         Write the name of the country in the appropriate place

·         Colour and name the oceans near by


Information about:

·         The capital city

·         The name of the people (Canadian)

·         The spoken language(s)

·         The signature dishes (food)

·         The currency

·         Special geographical features

·         Dances, songs or instruments

·         The flag

·         Fun facts

·         National celebrations

·         Anything else interesting!


Work should be neat and draw your attention.

Students should be prepared to present their bag to their classmates and talk about their country.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014


Friday, April 25th will be CRAZY HAIR DAY!!!  Come to
school with your craziest hair style.