Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Yaki has a bad cold!

Yaki's performance has been rescheduled for Monday, November 4th. 

Calling all the “Mo Bros” of the Castlefrank E.S. community!

On November 1st we will be kicking off Castlefrank’s first-ever Movember campaign to show our support for men’s health!


We are reaching out to the dads, step-dads, uncles, grandfathers, older brothers and other important men in our Castelfrank community to participate in our Movember Moustache Mania contest!!!


To participate, send a photo of your clean-shaven face to or show up at the school between 1:15 and 2:00pm on Friday November 1 to have your picture taken. Your ‘mo-less mug will then be posted on the main entrance bulletin board with your first name and child’s name and grade to show how you are supporting this great cause. Our very own Mr. Henry and Mr. Phil will be representing the Castlefrank family J


Every Friday in November – November 8, 15, 23 and 30 – we will ask for an updated photo to show your mo’s progress. On the final day of November, a panel of judges (students, teachers and parents) will decide on the winning ‘stache! The winner will receive a special prize for participating in the contest as well as the glory that comes with the title of the first ever winner of Castlefrank’s Movember campaign!


If you ‘moustache’ a question, please email Mme Taggart at or call the school at 613-592-8071. Once all participants have been confirmed, Mme Taggart will be in touch throughout the month to provide updates on the event and photo reminders.


When sending in your photo, please include your full name, the date the photo was taken, the name of your son or daughter and his/her teacher.


Thank you for supporting Castlefrank as we launch this exciting event to show our support for men’s health issues.


To learn more about the Movember initiative, check out!


Good luck to all our participants!


The Castlefrank Movember team

Friday, October 25, 2013

Science Project



Dear Parents,


For the past several weeks, we have been studying simple machines in science. As part of this unit, students discovered; movement is a change in position of an object, simple machines help objects to move, mechanisms are made up of one or more simple machines, simple machines and mechanisms make life easier and more enjoyable for humans.  


To solidify your child’s learning, he/she is asked to create a new machine whose job will be to complete an everyday task. This is a at home project. Please let the final product be your child’s own work.

Your child can build their own machine out of different materials you have in your home. Your child must include at least 3 different types of simple machines in his/her design.  Your child will need to record or write down the order of steps of your machine from start to finish.


When you slip on ice, your foot kicks paddle (A), lowering finger (B), snapping turtle (C) extends neck to bite finger, opening ice tongs (D) and dropping pillow (E), thus allowing you to fall on something soft.

If your child is looking for inspiration, he/she can search Simple Machine Project on YouTube. This project is due Wednesday, November 13th. Students will be presenting their machines to different members of our Castlefrank community.



Simple Machines we have studied are;

ü  Inclined plane (plan incliné)

ü  Screw (vis)

ü  Wedge (coin)

ü  Lever (levier)

ü  Wheel (roue)

ü  Pulley (poulie)



The students are very excited about this project and I am eager to see what their creative minds can produce.


Mme Marie-Christine


Level 4
Level 3
Level 2
Level 1
Understanding of simple machines
(Different types of simple machines (levers, pulleys, inclined planes, screws, wedges, and wheel and axles))
demonstrates thorough understanding of simple machines
demonstrates considerable understanding of simple machines
demonstrates some understanding of simple machines
demonstrates limited understanding of simple machines
Transfer of knowledge
and skills (concepts (simple machines) and processes (creating a machine help to move objects) to unfamiliar contexts
transfers knowledge and skills to unfamiliar contexts with a high degree of effectiveness
transfers knowledge and skills to unfamiliar contexts with considerable effectiveness
transfers knowledge and skills to unfamiliar contexts with some effectiveness
Transfers knowledge and skills to unfamiliar contexts with limited effectiveness
Use of conventions, vocabulary, and terminology of the discipline in oral, visual, and/or written forms
(levers, pulleys, inclined planes, screws, wedges, wheel, axles, lift, push,weight etc)
uses conventions, vocabulary, and terminology of the discipline with a high degree of effectiveness
uses conventions, vocabulary, and terminology of the discipline with considerable effectiveness
uses conventions, vocabulary, and terminology of the discipline with some effectiveness
uses conventions, vocabulary, and terminology of the discipline with limited effectiveness

Friday, October 18, 2013

Entertainment Book payments and Unsold Books are due Tuesday, October 22nd!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Dear Parents,
Our class will be visited by a truly original performer the last week of October. His name is YAKI and he has performed at over 60 schools in Ottawa. His songs are funny, appropriate and easy to sing along to. He will be coming to perform for us on October 28th in the morning. A voluntary donation of a twoonie would be appreciated.  (WELCOME TO YAKI’S WORLD!)
Mme Marie-Christine

Sunday, October 6, 2013

In science, we are investigating simple machines. If you have any of the following items at home that you are no longer using could you please send them to school (straws, paper towels rolls, toothpicks, toilet paper rolls, yarn string, plasticine, milk cartons, cardboard, plastic bottles, toy cars, expired rice, expired cereal and shoebox lids). They will be used for our science experiments.

Un gros MERCI!!!